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Sunday, March 2, 2008


A sudden whimsical one written to make Ashwin come back to Chennai!

Deep deep in a forest,

Where everyone roamed and flew free,
there was a small, but busy mumbatree,
on which lived a sweet birdie,
loved by many, wearing a lungi,
spent its spare time flying by the sea!

With its high voltage energy,
famous how could he not be?!
heartthrob of some,
loathed by many,
he is usually too busy to pee!

but now he is confused,
as he has got a call from madratree,
from ma and pa birdie,
long longgggg tailed karthi,
and of course.. me!!!!

Madratree is not Mumbatree,
but birdie will still be happy,
as there are many here who love him,
and he can still fly by the sea!

Saturday, March 1, 2008


There is nothing more exciting or inspiring than being in loved and be loved by a person you respect and trust the most! So.. i got inspired!! And wrote another poem! Be warned though: whatever comes out of an inspiration need not be good!

Fires burned high, rain fell strong,

Wind blew mighty, Earth trembled long,

A powerful man, seeing the power around,

Decides to capture it, and keep it bound,

Takes the fire high stirs it with rain strong,

Adds in air mighty, and drops in earth with a song.

He gets power in a vessel, but sees something amiss,

And so adds in a drop of love with sizzle and fiss!

Out of the vessel come a man and woman,

Powerful, and made in love, mere humans,

The woman of wind and Earth, The man of fire and rain,

In mortal world, known as affi and antbrain!

24 years later, they fulfill the powerful man’s wish,

They meet, they love, they sizzle and fiss!