* Based on the definition: significant loss of intellectual abilities such as memory capacity, severe enough to interfere with social or occupational functioning.
The giant waves of Poshivtive Senatiments in Mumbai had made me jittery enough to think twice before settling here. Now I wonder why I thought so coming from chennai, where we are as broad minded as "Ajab Prem ki Gajab Kahani" is well-scripted. Where Mumbai is struggling, Chennai succeeded. Where Chennai succeeded, US of A is flying high with Nile Gardiner at the helm, who with a job description of a foreign affairs/movies analyst, performs an anti-US-propoganda check on every movie watched. His brilliant analysis is clearly visible in one of the comments he makes for "Avatar:
When I saw the movie last night in a packed theatre, I was disturbed by the cheering from the audience towards the end when the humans – US soldiers fighting on behalf of an American corporation – were being wiped out by the Na’vi. Washington is one of the most liberal cities in America and you come to expect almost anything here – but still the roars of approval which greeted the on-screen killing of US military personnel were a shock to the system, especially at a time when the United States is engaged in a major war in Afghanistan
He reminds me of the "black and white" tool in MS-Paint:
American soldiers - white. Washington - White.
Fighting - White. US-generated war - White.
Afganistan - Black. Killing US military Personnel for perfectly valid reasons - Black. Criticism for taking innocent lives - Black.